Thursday, December 8, 2016

What"s With The Fish Thing Already

Breakfast, Thursday December 9: omlette cups (separated egg, bacon, red onion, yellow pepper, baby bella, crumbled tinned mackerel, habanero cojack); fruit cup (banana, blueberry, home canned peaches, whipped cream, cherry); tots.

I woke up a lot earlier than Alexis this morning. I've seen this cute omlette or quiche in a muffin tin thing on the cover of magazines at the checkout. I decided to give it a try without any directions. It's not bad for a first try. I am going to work on this one. It's kinda fun and not much work, so worth investigating.

Fish and eggs is a combo that we both like. As a kid that was an extra special treat in our home. The difference being that it was always canned salmon. So now research shows oily fish is good for the heart which makes Alexis happy. 

I know the tots is a weird chioce considering how carefully hand built the rest of the meal is, but I had the oven on already. I usually don't keep those things on hand. They are pretty salty. A few weeks ago I had some friends helping with some heavy yard work. They got some BBQ out of the deal and tots was part of the menu 'cause they are easy. I had a few left over. One more meal wiith tots and they are gone.

When I was a kid there was this tinned fruit cocktail that we occasionally got as a treat. In the 14oz or whatever it was can, amidst a crowd of peach, pear, and other common fruits was one marascino cherry. This of course caused the dilemma of deciding the fate of the cherry. So I made fruit cups that each had their own cherry.

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