Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Pumpkin Again? Seriously?

Breakfast, Tuesday December 6: vegetable scramble (egg substitute and mixed veggies); whole wheat pumpkin blueberry buttermilk lower sodium pancakes.

That is a lot of expectation to place on an a humble pancake. Thankfully it doesn't really require a lot of extra work. Just take a good buttermilk pancake recipe (or regular for that matter) add about 1/2 cup cooked pumpkin to the recipe in with the liquids. The whole wheat requires a touch more sugar IMHO to counter the slight bitterness of the wheat bran, but the upside is that gluten development is weaker. You can stir this batter forever and it won't get tough. I sprinkle the blueberries on once the batter is on the griddle.

The scramble doesn't look all that appetizing. It's tasty I assure. I gotta work on that. I suspect acid from tomatoes or salsa has something to do with it. It is a change on the texture. Water is pulled out of the egg curds.

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