Sunday, May 7, 2017

It Doesn't Get Much More Jewy Than This

Supper, Tuesday April 11: Brisket ( salt and pepper rub, wine and water to braise in, onion, carrot, celery, garlic added about 2 hours in ).

We are not Jewish, but our very good friends across the street are. They invite us to Seder dinner every year. At this point I've been to more Seders than a lot of Jews. We enjoy the camaraderie, the wine, the stories, the food, the wine, the singing, the wine. . .
I always make something to bring to the meal. Usually it is a side or dessert. If I've been really busy it might just be a bottle of wine. This year I got ambitious and promised a brisket. It turned out great. 

I started with a whole brisket. I separated the smaller piece on top and trimmed the fat layer. You need to leave some of it for flavor and to develop proper texture in the meat. The small piece can be used for ground beef or smoked or braised itself. It is not necessary to remove it but I knew that just the big piece would be enough. I then rubbed the whole thing down with some salt and pepper. After a 30min rest I broiled it on top and bottom til browned. I turned the oven down to 350, placed the meat in a roasting pan and added half water, half red wine til it was about an inch deep in the pan. After braising covered for a couple of hours I added the veggies and put it back for another 3 hours. It was almost too tender to slice, I could have shredded it with a fork. All the meatetarians loved it. 

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