Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Isn't It Supposed To Be Red?

Supper, Tuesday May 23: tomato soup; grilled cheese (homemade sour rye, habanero cheddar, smoked gouda).

That depends on the tomato. I used yellow romas for this soup. We got a case of yellow romas at the farmers market last season and put them up as crushed tomatoes. The soup is pretty straightforward. Start with a mirepoix (1 onion, 2 carrot, 2 celery) and chopped garlic and shallot. Saute in olive oil til tender. Add a couple of quarts or equivalent of crushed tomatoes. Also add some basil, oregano, and black pepper. Bring this to a boil. Simmer until everything is tender. Puree with a hand blender. Simmer until desired thickness is achieved. 

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