Sunday, January 1, 2017

Wait, Where Am I?

Breakfast, Friday December 30: low sodium bacon, fried eggs, sour rye toast, Amish butter, fruit.

Change of venue. We have a modest beach condo. I do mean modest as we are by no means wealthy. We are a couple of lower tier professionals, a nurse and an educator who are a bit miserly in nature so we tend to have First World Problems. Nevertheless I keep a reasonably stocked pantry there so when we are at the beach meals are kinda like home with a lot of seafood added. You'll see.

Some would call this a "Traditional Breakfast" but they would be terribly mistaken, unless they were referring to only the last 90 years only as worthy of examination. The story begins with an advertising campaign cooked up un the 1920's by Edward Bernays. You can look him up so I will not belabor the story. Suffice it to say that he came up with the notion that one should start their day with a heavy breakfast. prior to this most americans ate porridge made from cornmeal or oats, meat and bread left over from the evening meal along with coffee if available. Also by the turn of the 20th century the consumption of breakfast cereal established, having first appeared in 1887 as a masturbation preventative by Dr. Harvey Kellogg. Bernays' brilliance was in getting thousands of physicians to agree that a heavier breakfast would be a better chioce. The rest is food history.

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