Sunday, January 22, 2017

Beans Are Good For You

Supper, Sunday January 8: speckled butter beans and pork; turnip greens; rice.

I know this is not much to look at and neither was the finished plate, but DAMN those beans were good. It looks like more pork than beans here but in fact it really was the other way around. The pork was from a smoked shoulder that a friend shared with us. I simmered the bone and its meat as well as some scraps with a little Mirepoix, (carrot, celery, onion). After the meat had begun to fall apart I separated it from the bone and mirepoix so that it would not be boiled to tasteless strings. once I had simmered the rest sufficiently (a few hours) I strained the broth, added soaked and cleaned beans along with the meat from earlier, and let that simmer until the beans were tender (another couple of hours). I only added salt and pepper. Sometimes it is just the simple combination of a few choice ingredients that can create an extrordinary dish.

Stock, beans, pork, salt, pepper.  Extraodinary.

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