Saturday, September 16, 2017

Beans And Squash, Beans And Squash. . .

Supper, Monday July 24: bbq sliders (smoked pork shoulder, biscuit, cheddar); squash (sunburst squash, butter); green beans; cucumber.

I would like to suggest a kitchen tool that everyone should have, but for some reason few own - the pressure cooker. No, not the behemoth that your grandmother had (with the gauges and the knobs and clamps. . .). There are small ones. I have 2 in fact. A big one for large canning projects, but the other, smaller one is the pot that I use the most. I use it frequently for cooking vegetables. 

Take the green beans above. I put a little water in my 6qt? (or is it 8? doesn't matter) pot. Drop in the steamer-colander-expando-thingy (You know the one. Looks like some steampunk adjustable radio dish.

Drop in the beans. Close 'er up (as per manufacturers instructions). bring it to full pressure for 30 seconds. Cool it in the sink. Perfect beans. 

Want perfect broccoli? Bring it to full pressure 0 seconds (in other words as sson as it comes to full pressure cool it back off).

Oh, and dietitians will tell you: faster cooking means more beneficial nutrients are preserved in the food.

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