Sunday, October 11, 2020

Oh, I'm Thankful All Right

Supper, Tuesday November 19, 2019: Sunday Roaster.

I should really remember to smoke things more often. So what is stopping me? I think it is a paradigm that I have manufactured about the task. I tend to always go big. Pork shoulder, brisket, turkey. . . They are all a big time investment. Plus there is the whole "How are two people going to eat this before it turns" problem.

There is s simple solution. Just go smaller. Half butts are available or most grocers would be happy to cut one for you. There's turkey breast or a duck. I smoked a meatloaf recently. What's above is not a turkey but one of those plump little roaster hens. It was our Thanksgiving dinner since Alexis always works over the holiday.

We had some roasted taters too. I love those purple guys.

Remember, if you roast potatoes, got overboard a little. Leftover roasted spuds turned into home fries in the morning are sublime. (Under the eggs.)


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