Saturday, April 11, 2020

That's Not Fish

Supper: Friday November 16, 2018: fried oysters; black beans and corn (black beans, chili spice, olive oil, onion, canned corn, smoked gouda); slaw.

I once had a friend who I know was reasonably intelligent insist that oysters were not an animal. (I don't know what they thought oysters were, I have to assume some sort of plant.) They are definitely animals. They exist as a free swimming form until they become what is called a "spat" and attach to an object near the water's surface. I suppose it is not helpful that the oyster farming industry calls larvae about to become spats, "oyster seeds." On the other hand I'm not sure too many people are up on aquaculture lingo.

VELYGER Database: The Oyster Larvae Monitoring French Project
A free swimming larvae
I've talked about breading here and here, so I won't belabour the point. I should mention that with oysters they need to be well drained and the first dredge in flour is imperative. Make sure they get a good coating.

For my feelings on slaw go here.

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