Saturday, April 25, 2020

I Can't Believe It's Not Barbeque

Supper, Monday November 19, 2018: "barbeque" platter (creamed corn; slaw; pineapple tidbits; *pork with sauce).

* I think of this as pseudo-barbeque. Real barbeque is meat smoked over a low temperature heat source (the best is wood) slowly over an extended cook time. Cooking a chicken breast over a hot fire is not barbequing. It is grilling. Putting barbeque sauce on cooked meat does not make it barbeque. Barbeque sauce is just what the name says: sauce for barbeque. 

That said, braising some pork and serving it with a healthy portion of your favorite sauce might very well be quite tasty. Please, just call it what it is: braised pork. 

What's the best sauce? That is actually not an answerable question. Seriously. There are LOTS of different styles. It's like asking, "What's the best fruit?" "What's the best dog?" The choices are so disparate that they are incomparable. If anyone says something to the effect of "X is the best barbeque sauce" You should ask "What style?" If they can't say then they are full of s...auce. 

I happen to favor Lexington style in general, but I have had that sweet, dark north Texas stuff and it is admittedly pretty good on brisket. Memphis dry rub ribs? Not my thing.

That stuff in the picture is some home-canned pork with a healthy portion of a sweet bourbon sauce on it. It's damned tasty. It's not barbeque.

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