Saturday, April 25, 2020

I Can't Believe It's Not Barbeque

Supper, Monday November 19, 2018: "barbeque" platter (creamed corn; slaw; pineapple tidbits; *pork with sauce).

* I think of this as pseudo-barbeque. Real barbeque is meat smoked over a low temperature heat source (the best is wood) slowly over an extended cook time. Cooking a chicken breast over a hot fire is not barbequing. It is grilling. Putting barbeque sauce on cooked meat does not make it barbeque. Barbeque sauce is just what the name says: sauce for barbeque. 

That said, braising some pork and serving it with a healthy portion of your favorite sauce might very well be quite tasty. Please, just call it what it is: braised pork. 

What's the best sauce? That is actually not an answerable question. Seriously. There are LOTS of different styles. It's like asking, "What's the best fruit?" "What's the best dog?" The choices are so disparate that they are incomparable. If anyone says something to the effect of "X is the best barbeque sauce" You should ask "What style?" If they can't say then they are full of s...auce. 

I happen to favor Lexington style in general, but I have had that sweet, dark north Texas stuff and it is admittedly pretty good on brisket. Memphis dry rub ribs? Not my thing.

That stuff in the picture is some home-canned pork with a healthy portion of a sweet bourbon sauce on it. It's damned tasty. It's not barbeque.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

That's Not Fish

Supper: Friday November 16, 2018: fried oysters; black beans and corn (black beans, chili spice, olive oil, onion, canned corn, smoked gouda); slaw.

I once had a friend who I know was reasonably intelligent insist that oysters were not an animal. (I don't know what they thought oysters were, I have to assume some sort of plant.) They are definitely animals. They exist as a free swimming form until they become what is called a "spat" and attach to an object near the water's surface. I suppose it is not helpful that the oyster farming industry calls larvae about to become spats, "oyster seeds." On the other hand I'm not sure too many people are up on aquaculture lingo.

VELYGER Database: The Oyster Larvae Monitoring French Project
A free swimming larvae
I've talked about breading here and here, so I won't belabour the point. I should mention that with oysters they need to be well drained and the first dredge in flour is imperative. Make sure they get a good coating.

For my feelings on slaw go here.

Friday, April 10, 2020

I Win The Internet

Best lounge pants ever! Not food but
totally awesome!

*Only one small error. I think the rainbow is supposed to come out of the unicorn's ass.

You Can't Get This At Waffle House

Breakfast: Sunday, November 11, 2018: Waffles Reddnekt (Waffle, sausage gravy, poached egg); Caramelized onions; fruit.

Lately we have been experimenting with savory versions of foods like oatmeal. I decided to try something new. An important note here: if you can, leave out any sugar in the waffle recipe. They work better that way. Of course if you use a mix, choose one with the lowest sugar. 

Caramelized onions have a great combination of sweet and savory flavors. They helped bridge the gap between the sweet fruit and the salty savory waffles.

I don't think they have gravy. Maybe you could use chili? 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Brought To You In Technicolor

Supper, Saturday November 10, 2018: Roast shank with vegetables (beef shank, heirloom carrots, heirloom potatoes, celery, onion, garlic, stout, english roast rub.

We had a good harvest. Lots of red, yellow, and blue potatoes. Yellow, red, and purple carrots. Also beef shanks had been on sale. Shanks come out great when braised. All that collagen melts into the meat and the liquid. Everything gets slightly sticky with the coating of gelatin. I bought some "English roast rub" from a spice emporium.

You gotta braise these suckers for a while, three or four hours, so don't put the vegetables in at the start. Spice or salt the meat first. Sear it well in a heavy pan. Place in the roaster with the onions, garlic, stout, and water enough to make them half submerged. cook till almost tender THEN add the vegetables. They won't be overcooked and they will be coated with all the rendered yumminess.

Cold Pizza In The Mornin'. . .

Breakfast, Wednesday November 7, 2018: Focaccia (pizza dough, olive oil, italian herbs, feta, parm); mixed fruit salad; bacon.

When I bake bread, sometimes I will make one loaf then use the dough intended for a second loaf for something else. The choice of "other" thing depends on the dough. With whole wheat I might make some rolls. In this case I was making "artisan" boules so I went with focaccia. 

Kinda pizza?