Tuesday, June 6, 2017

While You Taste It, It Tastes You.

Supper, Thursday June 1: reuben (corned tongue, kraut, swiss, 1000 island, sour seedy rye); garden salad.

I've commented on reubens before so here is the link. I rant a little about soggy reubens. This time I've got something else to blather about, tongue. I added corning to my repertoire*. It's pretty simple. I think I will put the instructions up next time. What I wanted to mention is the meat used for the above sammich. I corned a beef tongue. I'm not sure what people have against tongue. Whenever I mention it nearly everyone makes the 'blech' face even though they have never eaten it. It is tough as one might imagine so it is perfect for corning then braising. The fat is more evenly distributed than in brisket so the result is very tender and flavorful.

*I have to admit I didn't know how to spell 'repertoire' so I tried looking it up. That took WAY too long. I think the old way was actually better. Go to where you think the word should be in the dictionary and scan the page(s). Newer doesn't always mean better.

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