Thursday, May 16, 2019

Oh Boy Do I Have Some Catching Up To Do

Breakfast Monday May 13: mixed fruit; shrimp sauteed in butter, scramble (eggs, cheddar, baby bellas, ramps).

Ramps you ask, what are ramps. They are a type of wild onion with a small bulb and broad tender leaves. They are also notoriously odiferous. They smell like a combination of a very strong onion with garlic. They are not for the unsophisticated palate. In our part of the country they are available in the spring. They can be found at farmers and tailgate markets for a few dollars a bunch. They can be used in place of garlic or onions or as a centerpiece to a dish. I like to use the whole plant. The leaves are very tender. 

Diner beware: If you eat too many, you will smell like them. Seriously. I think it comes out from your pores. 

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