Thursday, September 23, 2021

Snot What It Looks Like


Supper, Thursday July 15, 2021: cod fingers; limas; okra 
and tomatoes; rice.

A couple of years ago most of this meal would have been from the garden. At least this year we got the tomatoes. They are tasty. Unfortunately it looks like we are about to have a stinkbug problem. We hates them. I have found no control method other than squishing them by hand. A propane torch tends to damage the plant. Then again, you don't have to kill them with the torch just maim them enough. . .

Enough of that. I wish that okra didn't have the snot thing. I really like okra. I REALLY like fried okra and it is indispensable in gumbo. Like many people (most?) I just have a problem with the mouth feel unless it is cut by cooking with tomatoes for the acidity. (I think that is what makes it better.) At least we can fry it. I suppose that will have to suffice.

Is That A Corncob On Your Plate Or Are You Just Happy To See Me


Supper, Thursday July 1, 2021: blackened chop
and garden vegetables.

I first have to admit, as much as Alexis would like it, we do not have an avocado tree. In the past I have planted a massive home garden. At the peak of harvest we have taken in literal mounds of produce. We do not have a large sunny space in our yard in Savannah. I have shifted to small garden beds. I will add a few more this winter. In the end I want to grow tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, greens, and green beans. That would be enough. We did grow those pretty little tomatoes and the peppers this year though.