Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Manhandled Tortillas

Breakfast, Wednesday April 5: huevos rancheros kinda thingy (tortilla shards, chili, fried egg, smoked habanero cheddar, cilantro, sour cream); peaches.

There are several things here to comment on.

Peaches and cilantro is an odd combination, but it really works. A lifetime ago I worked in a restaurant where we made peach salsa. I was not a huge fan mostly because I did not like the peaches with hot sauce. There were other ingredients, but that one didn't work for me. The cilantro on the other hand. . .

The nacho shards are something that Alexis likes to nibble on, so we keep the end of the bag, This bag must have gone through baggage claim at LAX. There were a lot of shards. So I'm trying to think of a use and I came up with huevos rancheros variant.

The chili is leftover from Sunday. It is made with ground lamb. We have had several variations over the last few days. Nothing of great import so I haven't posted, but five way chili is worth checking out.

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