Tuesday, May 23, 2017

It Looks Like Spaghetti. . .

Supper, Friday May 4: Bucatini and sauce.

I was unfamiliar with this pasta until just recently. I was intrigued. Really fat hollow spaghetti. the texture and tooth of a really thick noodle but perhaps without being doughy. It did not disappoint. both of us liked it. The big fat noodle texture was great for the sauce I made. 

That not-bolonese I made a few days ago got re-tasked. I added some browned Italian sausage and, here's the weird but it worked part, beets. Beets? Really? Yes beets. Here is the logic. I wanted to add some earthiness and some chunkiness. The earthiness because the sauce had plenty of brightness from the tomato, herbs, and kalamatas. The sausage would bring in some more umami to add to the bean's contribution. So bring in some earthiness to bolster that of the beans. Plus, I happened to have some garden beets that needed to be eaten.

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